“…the Lord
took you and brought you out of the iron-smelting furnace…” Deut. 4:20
The iron furnace is one place I want
to avoid. Yet, I have been there—often. How about you? When life’s struggles
keep the heat up higher than I want, I want to escape. I beg to have the
thermostat lowered; I cry for the air conditioned room or at least to open a
window. Deliverance is my goal. Escape is my only thought. It can feel like I
am isolated and alone, fighting to breathe. The enemy would like me to think I
am because his plan for me is ugly and raw.
Never thought about the enemy having
plans? Oh, he does. And, according to Ephesians 6:10 we need to stand against
his schemes. So, when the furnace of affliction heats up, what can we do?
1. Remember that God promises to be with
us no matter what we face
2. Stay focused on what God says His
plans are for you: Jeremiah 29:11 and Romans 8:28
When we focus on God’s promises and
His plans we keep the enemy from winning a victory in our lives. The enemy
wants to takes us down the slippery slope of the Deadly D’s so that we become
ineffective in our walk. His plans are to make you:
Doubt which
leads to...
which leads to...
Defeat and
Don’t let the enemy drain you of your joy
and hope. God is bigger; God is able; He will bring victory when we allow Him
to fight for us. Remember the story of Meschach, Shadrach and Abednego (Daniel
3)? They weren’t in the furnace alone.
Jesus promises abundant life, joy and
peace beyond our understanding when I keep my eyes on Him. Even in the midst of
affliction I can know His presence. I can trust Him to work all things out for
good. I will trust Him to deliver me from the heat of affliction and for His
Spirit to send a fresh breeze of mercy and grace.
How has the furnace impacted you? Do
you have a promise to share with others who may be in the heat of affliction?
May you focus on God’s promises in
the midst of your furnace,
For standing firm
against the Evil One, study Ephesians 6 about the armor of God.