
stack of notebooks
Image courtesy of Morguefile.com
For as long as I can remember I have kept my thoughts in a journal--not wanting to forget any of the things I have learned in God's word and through my life experiences. I tremble a little when I think someone will probably read these after I am gone but hope in some way they are a legacy I can leave behind.

Until about 1998, I kept my writing hidden in file folders, deep drawers and packed away in bookcases. While working on the topic of spiritual gifts in my home church, my creative communication peeked out just long enough for a dear friend to say, "why have you been hiding this?"

That launched me on a path of improving my craft of writing, and I have never looked back.

Since then I have written, written and rewritten to find my niche and my voice. Through writer's workshops and conferences I have been affirmed to keep going forward. I have learned so much from these opportunities and the people I have met. Whenever anyone asks whether going to a conference is worth it, I reply, it absolutely is!

I began by writing a print newsletter called, The Stream's Edge and mailed it bi-monthly to anyone who asked. My subscriptions grew to over 250 mailings before life's situations got in the way...which is a whole other wilderness story.

Since that time, The Stream's Edge idea has become my blog at www.streams-edge.blogspot.com and my articles have been published in Evangel, Live, Proverbs 31 Magazine, Nebraska Family Times, and Living Magazine.

I am also a contributing author to www.Crosswalk.com.

My stories are included in, Kisses of Sunshine for Women and Fighting Fear, Winning the War at Home.

All this to say, if you have the desire to write, those desires and dreams are given for a purpose. So, follow your heart and see where God leads. And get ready for the adventure of a lifetime!

Keep writing,


Please join me at my new website for new content, speaking ministry information, and new blog location: www.JeanneDoyon.com