Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Unplugging - So I can Listen

In a world of technology, there's hardly a moment when we are not plugged in to something - phones, iPads, computers, Kindles, social media's tough to escape the cords that threaten to strangle us.

But there comes a time when the clamor gets too loud and the temptation to check email every hour becomes an excess. (I think I hear a few heads nodding out there....okay, so heads nodding don't make noise..)

But what can I do? Because I'm surrounded by it and feel the draw to check my messages, interact on social media, blog, reply to the butterflies and  hummingbirds that visit my flowers, I am drawn there and just can't leave them alone.

I need to unplug so that I can hear what God is saying through His word and as I listen in prayer. I need to live unplugged and enjoy the remaining weeks of summer.

I have writing projects, speaking engagements to prepare for and feel the need to clear away the clutter in order to focus.

Thanks for your patience over the next few weeks....there will be weekly blog posts that I'll schedule ahead of time because I love visiting with you and hearing your heart as you interact here at The Stream's Edge.

But, I will try to unplug so I can orient my ears to His heart.

Do you struggle with unplugging from the technology around you?

Unplugging isn't easy but I need to do it,



I need to unplug so that I can hear what God is saying. (Click to Tweet)

I will try to unplug so I can orient my ears to His heart. (Click to Tweet)

Thank you for sharing this message with your readers and contacts.
I'm on sabbatical and have unplugged while working on some writing and speaking projects. I appreciate your help while I'm away from my computer.

Images courtesy of


  1. You are soooo brave and disciplined, Jeanne, but I'm praying for you anyway! :)
    Mine was one of the heads nodding in agreement. I need to do the same but it will be a while. Have a blessed and productive rest of your summer.

  2. Thank you, Sally. And, readers, be patient with me if I'm not timely with my responses.
    I wish there were two of me:
    Jeanne-like Mary
    Jeanne-like Martha

  3. I used to go "unplugged" every Monday. A quiet day just for me and the Lord. Somewhere along the way, I lost that. You're right, it's hard not to check some social media thing or the other every little bit. Maybe I should consider starting that up again.

    Blessings as you listen to Him! I know He will answer your prayers above and beyond anything you can imagine.

  4. How easy it is for us to become full of the din or life. We are constantly barraged with the pull to answer and be available to everything and everyone. You are using the need of "balance" in our lives. Praying for you. Mom

  5. Good for you Jeanne and Good Luck! I too find I'm checking email constantly to see if anything has arrived. I need to set a time of day in which I check - one morning and one evening. There isn't usually anything critical in between, it's just a habit like looking at your watch.

  6. Thank you for bravely modeling what so many of us need to see. I have also been feeling the anxiousness of being too attached to technology. Been wresting with the question of whether to disconnect from FaceBook for awhile. You have encouraged me to unplug.

  7. Sherry, what great idea - unplugging once a week.
    Mom, you are my prayer warrior-thank you!
    Cathy, I didn't do all that well today with email but I have totally disengaged from social media.
    Jane, that is exactly what I am feeling--anxiety. I know I NEED to do this.

    Thank you all for your support. I have prescheduled the next seven weeks of blog posts. My traffic may not be great, because I'm not going to share them with my groups. But, the important thing right now is my obedience.

  8. Sherry, what great idea - unplugging once a week.
    Mom, you are my prayer warrior-thank you!
    Cathy, I didn't do all that well today with email but I have totally disengaged from social media.
    Jane, that is exactly what I am feeling--anxiety. I know I NEED to do this.

    Thank you all for your support. I have prescheduled the next seven weeks of blog posts. My traffic may not be great, because I'm not going to share them with my groups. But, the important thing right now is my obedience.

  9. Oh, Jeanne, what blessings are going to come to you because of your obedience to do what you feel called to do! Life is so crazy for me right now, and yes, social media is a big part of the additional pressure. Thank you for an example of stepping out in faith.

  10. Vonda,
    I hope to hear God clearly through all the clamor. My mind and heart have felt so cluttered. It's time for me to clean the cobwebs and open my ears and heart to His voice, rather than to all the others that cry for my attention.
    This is only day one....but I need to do it. My quest for Clarity depends on it.
    Thanks for your comment and I know you are whispering prayers at the foot of His throne.


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