Today, please welcome my dear friend, Andy Lee. I invited her to share with you while I am speaking at a women's retreat in New Hampshire. You will love her heart and her transparency....
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"The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?" (Jeremiah 17:9)
I don't like this scripture today. Somewhere inside this grown woman's body stomps a seven year old girl with her hands on her hips throwing a temper-tantrum. It's the same little girl turned 16 whose moods lure her into pity parties.
I don't know where she came from! I just woke up with her this morning. Yesterday I was a thriving, content, purposeful woman. What happened? I can think of a number of reasons why my dark-side rose up: lack of sleep, change of seasons, not spending enough time in my Bible.
My heart moped around all morning entertaining old arguments about purpose and value. I truly did not want to fight these old battles. I’m tired of them. But like a patient husband, who knows his wife needs to get her frustrations out, Jesus silently allowed me to vent this morning, then He led me to these verses.
I opened my Bible to Jeremiah 17:7,8. As I read, my eyes danced past verses seven and eight to verse nine… The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?
I know the Holy Spirit led me to it. Sometimes He sends us one way, but He has greater purposes for our direction than we can see. God whispered, “Why are you trusting your heart today? Stay on course.
Spirit leads spirit and my eyes moved back to the intended verses.
“But blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him. He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit" (Jeremiah 17:7,8).
I love when God does that.
I realized that I often trust my own heart, my emotions, more than I trust God.
I don't want to be a withered up old tree. I don't want to worry. And I always want my life to be fruitful. I want to make a difference on this planet before I go home. Those desires can only happen as I trust the Lord.
How about you? Do you find yourself trusting in your heart more than God and His promises? If you are, there is a very good chance you are being deceived.
May I pray for us?
"Oh Lord, thank you! Thank you for your Word of truth. Your Word brings clarity, revelation, freedom. I was in bondage today, chained by my own deceiving heart. Help me and your beloved reading these words to trust you more than our emotions. Make us like the trees in Jeremiah 17. We love you. Thank you Jesus. May our purpose and value be in You. Amen."
Andy Lee is a blogger, writer for Wilmington FAVS, Word
Weavers International mentor, and women’s retreat speaker. Her deepest desire is
to encourage others in their faith and to follow their daily call from
God—whether to a neighbor or a nation. Though red Oklahoma
dirt runs through her blood, she now lives on the coast of North Carolina with her sweetheart of 23
years and their three almost grown kids. One baby bird is still in the nest.
Find her faith inspirations at,
Facebook page Andy Lee (Author) and
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Thanks for sharing your heart, Andy. The retreat went well and I met Him afresh over a root that has been digging its way deep into my soul. His light shined on the deepest shadow and exposed a lie I have believed for too long. Free at last. Free to believe His truth so I can ignore the whispers of the enemy.