Sunday, November 20, 2011

Giving Thanks

I have so much to be thankful for, but I admit I can be remiss in remembering to say thanks for things, to others and to God. I get so busy that I forget or overlook them, taking them for granted. I notice that when I am thankful my perspective is different. I focus on the good rather than the bad. It’s like medicine bringing health to my heart and mind.

As I prepare for this coming week I am thankful for my family and though we are spread all over the country, we think of one another and past times around the table, like making stuffed dates with my children on Thanksgiving Eve. And, of plenty to eat even when illness dictated we stay home.
I am thankful for our country, that we can worship freely and, of the freedoms we share and hold dear. I appreciate my church family and the bond we have because we are followers of Christ. I am thankful for my son who serves in the military, and all our military personnel who daily pay the price for maintaining our freedoms. Many who will not be together on this holiday because they are separated by oceans and deserts, but whose hearts are connected by the miles and by cell phone and email. Thank you for your sacrifice on our behalf and your willingness to serve.
And, most of all I am thankful for what God has done through Jesus Christ so that we can have forgiveness and new life in Him. He is the God of new beginnings; He makes us new creations—the old has gone, forgiven and made new. And, that sacrifice cost Him His life. I’m so thankful for that, because I don’t deserve it, but He did it anyway because of His love for me, and for all. May this week begin a habit of contemplating the good things that are ours and may our hearts be thankful and offer praise.
Wishing you a season of thanksgiving that will fill you with His joy!
What are you thankful for?



  1. I've been on a mission again this year to set aside November 1 through Thanksgiving Day as days of thanks. I list 5 things each day I'm thankful for, and I can't repeat them until Thanksgiving. Sure opens my eyes every year to the many blessings God is continually giving me!

    Thankful for you today,

  2. This year I am thankful for God's faithfulness and for the love and encouragement of family. I'm thankful for new friends. And "old" ones. Hope you have a great Thanksgiving! Blessings, Katy

  3. Vonda,

    Such a great idea and helpful discipline to focus our minds of all He has done for us!!


  4. Thanks, Katy. My wishes for you are the same.


  5. Very well said Jeanne! I posted this to my Facebook wall.

  6. Thank you, Marc.
    Thanks is the fuel of our faith.


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