Sunday, February 20, 2011

Is It Spring Yet?

I got up the other morning and outside my window I saw this little critter popping up in the middle of my snow laden backyard. He lounged on his belly, looking toward the sunrise and seemed to enjoy his new vantage point. All looked quiet but the emergence of my little friend (I’ve named him Max), makes me realize there is a lot going on below the surface. I can just imagine the intricate tunnel town going on in Max’s world.

In my world, the New England winter has knocked the stuffing out of me. It isn’t often that we get both bitter cold and record snowfalls. This year we got a good dousing of both. Massive snow piles encroach on my driveway. Temperatures of below zero with a wind chill blast each time I step outside. Three feet of heavy snow covers my roof. I was starting to get a little nervous as daily reports of roofs collapsing in nearby towns until John fashioned a roof rake and pulled some of the snow down.

Yes, I am ready for spring!

What seems like bleak, dark and frozen is ready to burst forth with new life. Max’s city in the snow, birds trying out their voices during a warm tease, hickories beginning to blush their first buds of spring….oh, something to hope for. Bring on the sun. I’ve been living in the gray since November. I will dig my way to the surface to find the pregnant sunrise, just like Max.

Sometimes life is like the dark winter. Everything seems hidden, frozen and lifeless; a winter of the soul. But the hope of spring isn’t far off. I just need to dig my way toward the Sonrise. There I will find hope. In the Son I find life. In Him I find the hidden beauty, a message of hope in winter. If I am willing, He will open my eyes to see it. He peels away the darkness and awakens my ears to the song of spring. He woos me to new life and new purpose, one He has been quietly orchestrating under the surface.

So, if winter has its hold, keep on hoping. Keep on believing. His work on our behalf, though it often seems hidden and silent, continues day and night. He will bring the spring to your soul and a sunrise to your heart. Hope awaits: New life and new beginnings as you believe and trust in Him.

What signs of spring are giving you hope?


Jeanne (and Max)


  1. Jeanne -

    I love your narrative. The sun and the Son ... reminds me of an old Star Trek episode where Spock and Kirk cannot understand the belief system of an alien race because the alien's behavior did not match those who would typically worship the sun.

    Only Lt. Uhura knew (and subsequently educated Spock and Kirk) that the sun they were worshipping was actually THE SON.

    A wonderful message then and even more so in your prose today.

    Thank you for continuing to share and educate us through His grace.


  2. I wonder if other "Trekkies" out there remember that episode, Tom. I don't--was that the old series or the new?

    Spring is coming....


  3. Jeanne, I have ants in my kitchen window sill this morning. Can spring be far behind? All signs of spring are not pleasant!

    I'm in TN, and it was 70 degrees yesterday. It will be New England's turn soon.

  4. What a beautiful piece and beautiful photos. Thank you for sharing your heart with us. And yes, I'm ready for spring, too!

  5. Very nice, Jeanne. I like Max. Is he a chipmunk? We have a squirrel we named Willy and he's still hibernating, I think, in his house by our driveway.

    Your words give me encouragement.

  6. He woos me to new life and new purpose, one He has been quietly orchestrating under the surface.

    oh this, this always. thank you jean for these wonderful words of hope.

  7. Thank you all for your thoughts...

    Yes, Jean, Max is a chipmunk. I named him Max because I am maxed out on winter :)

    Emily, I have written my share of pieces about ants too...I think I like making nature connections to the truths in God's word :)

    Beadcasita, isn't it wonderful to know that He delights in us!

    Hugs to you all,'


  8. Hi Jeanne -

    The sun - Son Star Trek reference was from the original series ... the episode Bread and Circuses.

    Here is a link and in the plot section they explain further Uhura and The Son of God:

    Love your writing!


  9. I felt exactly like this when Jon was working nights and in school. It seemed as though that season would never end - we'd already had one tease of Spring when he landed a day job that petered out after a brief 8 months and we got buried again in the snow of night work. And then, suddenly, the perfect job came along in such a manner as to be orchestrated only by the Lord. The Son's been shining ever since.

  10. Hi Julie,

    He is so faithful, isn't he!! I too have been in seasons that I wish would end. It isn't easy to bear it sometimes. Yet, after the season passes, I see His fingerprints everywhere--I know He was with me.




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