Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Come, Let Us Adore Him

December can either be a dread or a delight, depending on how my lens is focused. The dread comes when I overextend, baking to rival Martha Stewart, decorations to outdo House Beautiful and date nights with Mr. Clean. No one will remember my clean floor. A cookie is a cookie is a cookie. And, whether I choose all white lights or twinkly multis, the tree will be festive no matter what I decide.

Delight happens when I focus more on the reason for the season—taking time to ponder. As I spend time reading the Angel’s pronouncements, Joseph’s dream and the Bethlehem journey, my delight grows. What was like to have lived then? How would I have reacted to the angel’s visit? Each character in the account we read, met the Savior in a special way.

Imagine, meeting the Savior of the world in the flesh—though He has always been, since the beginning, He was came to the world in the flesh as a baby. In the midst of the crazy days of December, we can enjoy the journey and delight in the story. When we do, our joy will show—joy to the world. The Lord has come.

I look forward to our family being all together. It doesn’t happen often; our children all live out of state. So to have time together is a special gift and a delight.

May your days be merry, bringing joy and delight to you and your family,



  1. I'm struggling with this at this very moment! Christmas is always busy, but with the last few months being committed to caregiving, there is so much more left to do and not enough time to do it!

    But you're right and I know it...I must focus on the Babe and what His coming means to this lost and dying world.

    Christmas blessings, sweet friend...

  2. I think we all are, Vonda. But there are seasons when we need to let go and not put expectations upon ourselves. Especially if it means losing our joy.

    Blessings during these advent days. You have a lot on your plate.

    Hugs to you, sweet friend!

  3. Thank you for reminding me to breathe. Even though I knew it, it got pushed back behind the craziness of it all. I love, "A cookie is a cookie is a cookie." Very well said. Oh.....to focus on Jesus. Peace....Shalom.

  4. We do get caught up in the whirlwind, don't we!!

    Love you....and wishing your family a peace-filled Christmas

  5. A beautiful reminder of what this season is really all about. Have a very Merry and blessed CHRISTmas and New Year.

  6. A peace-filled Christmas to you too, Mary.


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