"Will we stand for life wherever God places us?"
~ Emily Wickham

blood is on their hands ... when they had slaughtered their children for their
idols...” Ezekiel 23:37, 39
stakes laced with plastic orange netting decorated the beach. Early morning
caretakers diligently visited these areas where sea turtle eggs awaited
hatching. An exciting time, the arrival of these creatures clearly classified
as an eagerly anticipated event.
" ...
It is illegal to harm ... sea turtle eggs...”
I stared at
the sign. Processing the stern warning that included potential prosecution, I
contemplated this law of protection for sea turtles. Inescapably I thought of
this irony: it's illegal to harm a sea turtle egg ... but perfectly legal to
destroy human life within a mother's womb. Oh, how this must break God's heart.
eternally exists as Creator of life. Before mankind, He designed exquisite
angelic beings. In the garden, He formed man from dust and fashioned woman from
man's side. Almighty God excels in intricate detail and skillful construction
obviously delights Him. Originating in His immense mind, all things
living--including sea turtles to humans--express His creative genius. Yet we
have irreverently, rebelliously, selfishly interfered.
Oh, how
abortion must break God's heart. Watching these little ones, whom He's uniquely
shaped into His image, heartlessly destroyed invokes intense grief. Surely He
weeps. Just as death's foul odor pervaded Lazarus' tomb, death's stench
presides over these graveyards in the womb. A travesty of epic proportions,
abortion annihilates whom God wants--a child--because for various reasons, a
human heart deems that child unwanted.
children: wanted by God ... unwanted by mankind.
We as the
church remain accountable for our response to this disease of legalized death.
It's not about a woman's right to choose--the living God, the Creator Himself
already has chosen to initiate life.
Will we idly stand by and look the other way? Or will we stand in the
gap--even on the sidewalk--lovingly reaching out to women and their unborn
children? Will we stand for life wherever God places us?
Dear family
in Christ, God has graciously given us the " ... ministry of reconciliation,
namely, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not counting
their trespasses against them, and He has committed to us the word of
reconciliation. Therefore we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were
entreating through us..." (2 Corinthians 5:18-20).
It's hard.
I've only participated in sidewalk ministry once. But I'm planning to return.
Not as a goody two-shoes Christian, but as a sinner saved by God's incredible
grace. Though my presence there is unwanted by the world, I go because it’s
wanted by God.
God doesn't
call every Christian to stand for life in the same way. Enormously creative,
He's gifted each of us to impart His truth distinctly.
How is He leading you?
How is He leading you?
Wickham, founder of Proclaiming Him to Women Ministries, maintains a passion
for teaching God’s Word. Her PHtW blog, Mothers Like Me blog, Sophie Woman’s
Magazine column, and Daily Dose of Encouragement devotions allow her to reach
many with God’s truth. As a published author, conference organizer, and
speaker, she appreciates every opportunity to encourage and equip women by
exalting Christ. Emily welcomes contact and connection via Facebook at
A note from Jeanne: If you or someone you know have experienced an abortion--please know that there is forgiveness in Christ. Often, we keep this secret buried but when we bring it to the Light of Christ, He can bring healing. There is hope in the cross. There is counsel available so that you can be freed from unresolved feelings that arise after this experience. Contact your local Christian crisis pregnancy center for post abortion help. You are loved and prayed for....
Such a moving and heart wrenching truth..............years ago there was an article in the Brockton paper about puppies left to die in a bag. Such a furor went up over this travisty. I had to write the editorial page with a rebuttal. Not that I felt the puppies being left to smother was right, but that we can be overwhelmed with righteousness over puppies, but think nothing of aborting (killing) millions of babies a year and stand by doing nothing. I agree with Emily (sorry I am not able to understand the comment process) .... I too believe the Lord is grieved, I know He must weep over His children.
ReplyDeleteJan Bergeron (posted with permission)
Hi Jan,
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your thoughts and experience. I so much appreciate your tender heart for unborn children. May God bless you and keep you.
In Christ's Love,
So sad. So true. Thank you for sharing.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your visit, Vonda. There are so many things that break God's heart. May He equip us to make a difference in our world.
ReplyDeleteHi Vonda,
ReplyDeleteThank you for commenting on my guest post - I just noticed it today. I'm so thankful we have the hope of Christ to share with others when it comes to this life's sad realities.
Blessings to you in Christ, Emily