My time of sabbatical was full of rich blessings. It took quite awhile to set up the guest blogs (A note to those who would like to incorporate guest writings) but once I navigated the formatting issues it all got done. I enjoyed getting glimpses into the lives of these wonderful friends as they shared their hearts.
So, a bit about my time apart...
Fasting from Facebook was a huge goal during this time. Though I admit I did peek a little, other than announcing the blogs each week on social media, I tried very hard not to linger. This is something I want to continue. Time is so precious and once it's spent, there is no getting it back. So, one thing I learned is that,
I want to be more intentional.
Stewardship of my day is important.
I also enjoyed my home. I cooked and baked - both of which I really enjoy. I took walks, spent time with my husband, went to visit my family, and even took a couple of days to getaway alone. All of these things filled my empty cup. If you have never planned a getaway, I highly recommend it.
A few nuggets gathered during my time alone: The words that repeated in my journal time were
Mark 3:16 says, "He appointed (chose) the twelve."
He chose me too
Interesting, that Ephesians 1:5 says that God 'chose us from the the kind intention of His will.'
Being intentional involves making choices
As my hubby and I rode bikes to Watch Hill, RI and saw all the 'McMansions'...
He is preparing a place for me - a mansion in glory

His mercy is new every morning
You are here
I'm listening to the surroundings
Will you touch my soul with the burning coal of your presence
Light the fire of your love alive in me
Quicken my heart to beat with yours
Have you taken time to be alone with God lately? What have you heard through your surroundings?
A getaway may be just the thing to help encourage intentional living.
Photos by Jeanne Doyon 2013
Suggestions for intentional living and drawing near to God:
I'm so glad you were fed and encouraged during your sabbatical. Sounds like God used that time to speak His will for the direction of your ministry and life in general.
ReplyDeleteA good word for all of us.
Thanks, Vonda for stopping in. This was such a reminder to me that I need to take time once a year to draw near and listen. I can be such a Martha sometimes.
ReplyDeleteI am so thankful he has given us the freedom to choose. My latest post addresses this. Glad I visited your Blog today. Blessings to you!
ReplyDeleteI would love to stop by to read your blog, Barbara Jean. And, I love that He has chosen you!
ReplyDeleteI loved reading about your sabbatical. You were smart to plan it and schedule contributors to your blog so you didn't miss a beat. I, on the other hand, have taken an unplanned sabbatical. While I've grown closer to home, family and God, my blogs have suffered. Thank you for the wise tips you left on planning time away.
ReplyDeleteDrawing near to God trumps the blog posting--I'm sure. I had someone ask me while I was busy preparing, "would it be so bad to let the blog go for awhile?"
ReplyDeleteSomething to ponder, especially if other things need to become first.
I do wish I had set things up ahead of time more---as it is, I only had about two weeks out of the month without doing prep work. That was something I learned through this.
Thanks for sharing, Sue.
I just wanted you to know I loved reading this, Jeanne... From one "Martha" to another, thank-you!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Becky, for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. Rest is something I need to learn how to do better :) Often, I may look like I am resting yet, my mind is going 100 miles an hour. So good to get away every once in awhile to focus more on HIM