Monday, August 11, 2014

Passing on Our Faith - Caught Rather than Taught? And, New Veggie Tales Review

As a parent, we put our hope in the verse that says:

"Train up a child in the way they should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it."
Proverbs 22:6

There is a saying that says, God doesn't have any grandchildren.  So, as a parent I take training my children seriously. Every person needs to discover the Heavenly Father's grace and embrace His love and forgiveness in Jesus Christ. Every child needs to choose Him.

As a parent of grown children, I've asked myself how much faith is caught rather than taught.

We teach the best we know how but it doesn't guarantee our kids will choose to follow God with their whole heart.

We make the most of teachable moments to instill the love of God and His word. We train by guiding our children when they make wrong choices. We expose them to Truth, expose the lies of the world, and try to keep them from the things that will sabotage their faith.

In short, we lay a foundation upon which God can build once they are old enough to choose to believe all that God has done for them through Jesus' death and resurrection. We hope we portray grace instead of works as a response in our children's hearts. Knowing that 'being good' isn't the same as being 'forgiven'.

I remember my kids watching Psalty, the Singing Songbook and Superbook (yes, it was the 80's). We encouraged Christian music and wholesome entertainment. We brought our children to church, Sunday School and Vacation Bible School.

They asked Jesus into their heart at a young age, telling me they wanted to be part of God's family.

We laid a foundation. And, God will build upon it by the power of His Holy Spirit. He will use the circumstances of their lives to grow their character and draw them to Himself.

He has a plan for my kids - He has a plan for yours.

Passing on our faith to our children is the most important thing we can do as a parent. Their eternity depends on it!

So, what are your thoughts? Is faith caught rather than taught? How have you built a foundation within the heart of your children? Share the tools that help to instill God's love and grace to them with us here.


God doesn't have any grandchildren. (Click to Tweet)

...'being good' isn't the same as being 'forgiven'. (Click to Tweet)

Pass it on,


Veggie Tales Review:

I recently viewed a brand new Veggie Tales DVD called, Celery Night Fever. We've come a long way since Psalty and Superbook. Bob the Tomato and Friends have been instilling Christian values through quality entertainment for years - over 50 episodes.

Celery Night Fever is a face paced musical masterpiece, speaking to the heart of your preschoolers about forgiveness.

This was my first exposure to a Veggie Tales episode - what a treat. I recommend these for your little ones too. And, you know, eventually I'll have grandbabies. I may just start a collection for them.

Get your copy of Celery Night Fever on


  1. Excellent post. I believe our faith must be both taught AND modeled. I began with our newborns reciting John 3:16,17 and 18 whenever I changed diapers. Or, Prov. 3:5-6. Later The Lord's Prayer. By the time they were 2 and 3 they were reciting with me. As young adults now, it blesses me to see them raising their children to love the Lord as well.

  2. Kathleen, excellent comment. Talk about a teachable moment to a captive audience :)
    One that has reaped fruit in their lives.
    Thanks for your insights.

  3. Teachable moments are gifts God sets up for us to unwrap before our children and grandchildren. Each gifted moment offers parent and child an opportunity to draw nearer to the Giver and Grower of life.

    Many teachable moments between my daughter and I came during morning devotions while we finished sipping our tea. Today, my grown daughter and I still pause over a teacup to talk and share how Jesus is leading us in our life journey. No one is to old or to young for teachable moments that God continues to make available for us to share our faith in the moment.

    Teach on!

  4. Well said, Carolyn. I can see you and your daughter sharing over a cup of tea. And, you are so right; we are never too old to sit as His feet and learn of His ways.
    Just as we want to teach our children...God wants to teach us, all because of His love for us.
    Thanks for sharing your heart.


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