Monday, August 30, 2010

The Three R's - Part One - Redemption

When I hear the word redemption I think of coupons and bottle deposits, neither of which I do very often. Yet, it's much more than that; it's an important key to our faith. But, as Christians do we really understand that we have been redeemed by the blood of Christ; freed from the power and penalty of sin? The dictionary defines it this way,

Redeem is a verb that means to buy back, to obtain release or restoration, as from captivity, by paying a ransom. To deliver from sin and its consequences by means of a sacrifice offered for the sinner (

Throughout scripture we see evidence of the transforming power of the cross. Lives are changed, sometimes dramatically leaving no doubt that something amazing has taken place.

Since Adam and Eve's fall, there has been a need for redemption. Jesus' death, shed blood and resurrection accomplished it for everyone and for all time; it is available when we recognize our own shortcomings in the light of God's perfect holiness. No one else can do it for us; it is between ourselves and God. Whatever we have done, Jesus died so we can be forgiven and be restored to a right relationship with the Father. Scripture says there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1), so we can't allow the enemy to bring up the junk. It is forgiven, forgotten, finished and cast into the depth of the sea with NO FISHING!!

In Christ, both Paul and Onesimus were redeemed and so it is with everyone who receives the Savior. We are rescued from the power that sin and death have over us. It is important to know that Satan is already defeated, but he will try to bring down as many with him in the time he has left. He knows his fate is doomed. But like any other arch enemy, he will fight till the end. It is a daily battle; don't allow him any victory by his dredging up of past failings.

I am thankful for Jesus Christ's redemption in my life. I asked Him to be my Savior at the age of sixteen. Who knows where I would be if I had never made that decision to follow Him.

As we think about His redemption this week, recall His promises about forgiveness. God wants us to live in victory not in the shadow of our past.

Is there someone you know who hasn't found redemption yet? There are many who still need to hear. Like Paul, you may be the one to share the message of forgiveness with them.


  1. Not only are there many in the world who are not yet redeemed, there are many right in my family. I am one of the only Christians (my dh, dd and son as well) in my entire family. I was raised by devout Atheists of Jewish heritage. They are sweet loving people who just don't see the need or the presence of the Lord. At first this was a very tough thing to bring up and discuss but over the years we are to the point where we can at least discuss it. Prayerfully I seek to be a good example and get them curious enough to entertain the notion.

  2. Jeanne, great post. About two years ago, our Pastor instituted a new custom at our Church. Before the Patorial prayer, we all gather at the altar to pray for those we know that are lost. I can't tell you what a blessing it has been.

  3. Keiki,
    I love the visual of praying around the altar for those who need Christ. It is a spiritual battle...Scripture says he has blinded the eyes of the unbeliever, with a veil. We need to pray for the veil to be lifted.

    Thanks for helping my know how to pray for your family. Often, it is not the family's words that will cause them to turn, but our prayers and call unto God to send others alongside is very powerful! They are watching, for sure.

    Blessings to you both,


  4. Thank you for this post, Jeanne. I've shared the Gospel with my brother many times, the last being about two weeks ago. As has always been the case in the past, it did not go as I had hoped and prayed.

    But after it was over, I knew I had come to a new place. God showed me that even though I must continue to lead a life that would point to Him, I most likely will not be the one to lead Scott to salvation. God let me know it's my responsibility to step back and be quiet. It's His responsibility to win Scott's heart.

  5. Praying for Scott, Vonda.

    May you have peace in knowing the he is being pursued.



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