Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Enough is Enough - Confessions of a Hoop Jumper

The still, small voice continues to whisper. Yet, I keep explaining it away. I utter excuses, like “later” and “after I finish…”

Because you see, my friends, it is never enough. Not when we are tuned to the world’s drumbeat. More…more…more, beats the drum of every heart tuned to the world’s definition of never enough.

So, I’ve done a radical thing…to still the drum. I unplugged the source of the beat. Social media is anything but social and it is draining me dry.

In my head, I am on sabbatical; in my heart, I’m simply cyber-fasting. Because enough is enough.
The truth is I feel like I am running from Jezebel, the one who threatens to undo me; the one who beats the drum of defeat, threatening to make me less of a writer and speaker because I’m not creating my online image.

Can I be candid? My ministry and I are both created in the image of God, not a persona-platform that demands hoop-jumping and hurdle-clearing to establish a following.
Instead of listening to the ever-changing social media drumbeat, I hear God in His word say, “I will open doors than no one can shut.” Revelation 3:8, Isaiah 22:22
Instead of one more plug-in, SEO tool or the need to grow my email list, God says, “If you lift me up, I will draw all men to myself.” John 12:32
And, rather than feeding into the call of every podcast to become an expert, God says, “Call unto me and I will tell you great and mighty things which you do not know.” Jeremiah 33:3
Rather than falling prey to the expert’s list of things I need for success, God reminds me by saying, “I will provide your needs according to my riches in glory.” Phil 4:19
This is not to say that I shouldn’t get training and expert advice. But, the voices and sources are loud and demanding so I need to know what God is leading me to do. I must be able to distinguish His voice above all the others. Otherwise, I will be spread thin and caught up in the online web of to-dos and time-robbers rather than doing the work God has given me to do.

It is so easy to rely on my own strength and wisdom – because I can. Instead, I want to be led by the Spirit of God to walk through doors of opportunity He has designed for me – the work ordained for me beforehand (Ephesians 2:10) to accomplish Kingdom value.

My mission is not to get followers for myself, but to point others to Jesus who says, "Follow Me".
So, I am listening to His voice that says, enough…
Instead, He says:
I AM Enough; I AM everything you need.

How about you? Are you jumping over hurdles and tripping through too many hoops? How can you discern His ENOUGH for you? Are you ready to discover His rest?

Nancie Carmichael wrote a blog post that addresses this from a publisher/writer point of view. It's called, Finding Followers. I think you'll enjoy her perspective. 


More…more…more, beats the drum of every heart (Click to Tweet)

My mission is not to get followers for myself, but to point others to Jesus  (Click to Tweet)

Steven Curtis Chapman's, Be Still and Know:

Discover God's design for you:

Images courtesy of Morguefile.com
My sabbatical from all-things-computer continues. Thanks for sharing the messages that touch your heart with your sphere of influence.


  1. Jeanne,

    This is exactly what I have been thinking too. There are things our Father has led me to do and many, many other things that seemed appealing at the time but quickly became a burden. It has become easier to tell the difference, but it took going down some beautiful roads that turned into quagmires. I'm with you, friend. Martha Z.

  2. Hi Martha and thanks for your thoughts. There is a lot things, but they may not fit who God has made me to be, or for what ministry He's entrusted to me. It again comes down to choosing God's BEST, not just what sounds good.
    We are so afraid we are missing out...isn't that just like the enemy's tactic.

  3. Jeanne, You certainly see the big picture. Anything that can cause addiction........yes, addiction. There is nothing wrong with technology in our life as long it doesn't become the focus of our life. You bring such good teaching.
    Thank you, Mom

  4. Thanks, Mom. And, when we replace our time and relationship with God, and fill it with a counterfeit, that is bad too--idolatry?
    Yet, when He leads us to learn a new skill or take our ministry to the next level--His lead is essential, not someone or something else trying to sell us on what everyone else is doing. It comes down to choose BEST over Good so He will get the glory.

  5. Jeanne, thank-you for your candor... Boy--can I relate! I applaud your decision to unplug and follow the one Voice that matters most. This one's for me. Thank-you.

  6. Thanks for the encouragement, Becky and letting me know how this spoke to your heart. I've felt like a bit of a renegade to be going against the tide, but I felt like I was drowning.
    I have a long way to go--because I am a relational person, I want to be where the action is. But, I am hearing different on this one.

  7. Yes! Yes! Yes! There is just so much to do with this writing and speaking ministry stuff. We each have to discern His perfect will for us individually. I go through some days trying to get "just one more thing" done. Other days I'm so weary, I can hardly get the bare minimum completed. I applaud your efforts and join you in seeking His best for my life. Thank you for your transparency.

  8. Thank you for your thoughts, Vonda. I pray with you in this. I wondered if this would be a post to share on the CCC blog - but again, felt like a renegade!!

  9. Jeanne I love your honesty. I think following Jesus makes us a renegade because his ways aren't in line with the worlds' ways. I appreciate the timing of this to reflect on what voice I'm listening to. You words have encouraged me to stay true to who I am and with my writing project. Carry on you renegade sister!

  10. Thank you for your comments, Tammy Sue. I guess being a renegade takes boldness - something I never thought I had much of. But He is changing that through His Spirit.
    Be true, dear girl!!
    We need an accountability group :)

  11. Thanks Jeanne! I agree! We are in a different genre of blogs, promoting Jesus and not ourselves. The message is more important than the glitz. While we do want to reach as many people as possible in His name, it is the ONE person who is touched that matters.

  12. You are faithful to your call, Cathy. I know many are blessed by the words you share - His words to a thirsty world.
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us

  13. Dear Jeanne,

    I so admire and applaud your God-given courage in this area. I just know God will bless you with the sweetest, most intimate times with Him as you set aside social media for Him. How beautiful. Thank you for your example and commitment to loving our Lord wholeheartedly.

    Love to you in Christ,

  14. Thanks for your thoughts, Emily. It is so easy to get distracted with all the technology. Praying for His focus to be made clear.

  15. Kimberly Rae, I am praying for you to know His leading. Technology is a power tool but also a taskmaster with a loud shout.
    Be encouraged. God knows your path and what you need to get there (I am saying this to myself too).

  16. Oddly enough, Jeanne, this is my first free morning for three weeks to sip my morning coffee and catch up on email. Over-scheduled life? Maybe, but thankfully not ham-strung by social media. Happily busy SOCIALIZING!

    We celebrated Pastor Appreciation Day yesterday. The planning and shopping and inviting and plotting (What's his favorite cake? What's her favorite flower?) put many miles on our cars, and bitten fingernails on our hands as we tried to keep the secret and intercept each other's accidentally dropped hints.

    It was beautifully and lovingly orchestrated by one of Pastor's mentees whose life took a 180 when he met Jesus last Christmas. Since that time, the teaching has been meaty, the welcome has been warm, the outreach has been widened, and the Kingdom has grown. No social media was involved because these residents of the rehab center are not allowed to have phones or computers. It's all been one-on-one, receiving new-comers into community, for the glory of the Saviour.

    God is indeed the Master Networker. Thanx to you and Nancie both for your wisdom.

  17. What a wonderful contrast, Laurie. Thanks for sharing your story here and I'm so glad you were able to pull off the surprise.

  18. HI Jeanne, thanks for inviting me :) I went on a tech fast for a week while earning my Master's. I was surprised at how little I missed it. But then I can't now because my job is social media and the Internet.

    I agree that we very much need to keep all things in proper perspective with Jesus always at the top!
    Engraved in His palm,
    Gina Burgess

  19. Thank you for stopping in and sharing your thoughts, Gina. Social media and internet tools are wonderfully powerful. It is incredible what we have at our disposal to reach the world with the message of Jesus.
    But, yes, we can get waylaid on the way if we're not careful. Unplugging once in awhile is a good thing--even if just for a day.


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