Thursday, July 25, 2013

Worn Out?

Courtesy of
Come away by yourselves and rest awhile… Mark 6:30-32

Have you ever felt worn out?

We run the race in a fast paced world and often are forced to wear many hats. The demands we face can deplete us unless we have a plan to rejuvenate from time to time. The trick is to plan time to refresh ourselves before we begin to experience the burn-out so prevalent in our culture.

I’ve been on the brink one too many times. I don’t mean to let it get that far, but in my own strength I think, ‘just one more day’. But, one more day can mean the difference between strength and weakness. I’ve found it to be a false economy because once I burnout, it can take weeks or even longer to regain my strength.

Jesus tells the disciples in this passage, they need to rest. If you notice the events leading up to this statement, they had been ministering non-stop to the crowds—feeding, healing, delivering. And, it’s notable that though Jesus was God in the flesh, He still took time to get away alone with the Father to pray. He spent time alone before making big decisions. And, He was alone before beginning His ministry.

It’s easy to fool ourselves that we can do it alone. We can’t. John 15 tells us that we can do nothing apart from Him. Because of this, He sent His Spirit to give us power to be the witnesses He calls us to be (Acts 1:8). We need time in His presence to fill our cup with the power He provides. We can’t give from an empty vessel. It’s like letting our well run dry. It takes time to prime it again so it can work to capacity. Jesus says He is the Source of Living Water that will overflow our lives as we stay close to Him.

Jesus said, Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28

I suggest a Getaway with God from time to time. A getaway is easy to plan and it will restore your soul and your strength.

Have you struggled with burnout? How have you regained your strength?
For more information about burnout: signs, combating, take a look at his informative article. 



  1. Thank you for such a relevant and uplifting post.

  2. I'm actually recovering from burn out right now. I'm unemployed (by my own choice) and just taking some time to decompress and decide what I want to do next. Everyone wants to know "What's your plan?" I hadn't realized it before, but you are right, there is a great pressure in our society to keep going, going, going. Even if we're exhausted or hate our job. Sometimes it's even hard for me to take a day to "do nothing".

    I really like your blog!

  3. Thanks for stopping in during your busy schedule and leaving a comment, Ang Momspot :)


  4. Oh, Grazona, have I been where you are!!!!! And the more we try to please the deeper we sink.
    Praying for you, my friend. Take some time seeing yourself through God's eyes...the One who says He delights in you!
    Glad you enjoy the blog--feel free to sign up to get regular updates :)

  5. Beautiful and uplifting post :)

    Visiting from UBC

  6. Thank you, Sugandha!! I appreciate you stopping by the Stream and sharing your thoughts.

  7. Two things help me get away, Jeanne. Nature. Get me outside and I feel like I can take a bunch of deep breaths...and I begin thinking about our Creator. The other, odd as it sounds, is study. I'm taking a seminary class right now, and studying God's Word is bringing rest and peace to my heart.

    A much-needed post, Jeanne!

  8. Great suggestions, Laura. I am with you on the nature getaway. There is something peaceful being surrounded by His creation.

    Blessings to you in your study!


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