Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Some Still Doubted - Matthew 28:17

The disciples had seen a lot surrounding the life and ministry of Jesus. Miracles. Lives changed. Dead raised to life. Thousands fed with a few loaves and fish. Hosannas proclaimed over the Messiah entering the city of Jerusalem. There was plenty of evidence of the miraculous, proof of His identity.

Hope was rising until they arrested and convicted Jesus of crimes He didn’t commit, sentencing Him to a criminal’s death on a cross. His followers were devastated. They began to wonder. What would they do now?

What about the hope Jesus promised? What about the new kingdom? What about deliverance from their Roman oppressors? Hope died with Him on the cross and was buried in a stone-cold tomb. Every nail stripped away the wonders they’d experienced during the past three years of knowing Him. Any bravery or boldness they felt was gone as they huddled together behind locked doors. They feared for their lives because of their association with the one called, The King of the Jews.

When Mary went to the tomb to finish preparations for burial, her heavy heart collided with hope when the angel said, Jesus had risen and to go and tell the others to meet Him in Galilee.

Mary ran to where the disciples were hiding. Her frantic knocking spread fear over those inside. And, when she told them what she had seen and heard, they didn’t believe her. Even when they went to Galilee and saw Jesus standing before them, some still doubted. He was dead. Wasn't He? They had seen His body with their own eyes.

Even when we see with our own eyes, we can be skeptical. Our emotions can shut down anything that doesn’t match what we tell ourselves is true. The negative overrules the positive every time.

Yet, there He was, Jesus of Nazareth. Alive, standing before them, giving them instructions, renewing their hope.  He said, all authority has been given to Me in Heaven and on earth. So, along your way, tell all about the message of the Gospel and make disciples in all nations.

Jesus was saying, I am not finished with you yet. There is work to be done; you need to tell everything you have seen and heard.

And, in case you are afraid, He said, don’t worry, I am going to be with you every step of the way.

Their hope was blocked when the worldly powers interrupted their plan. They needed to see beyond what their minds were telling them—a dose of Kingdom reality: The collision of seen and unseen, dependant on who Jesus is, what He had done, and what He promised.

Have you lost hope?
Are circumstances overshadowing what you know to be true?
Jesus says, meet me in Galilee because ALL authority is mine; I still have work for you to do, kingdom work. And don’t be afraid because I am going with you.
Read more in Matthew 28
Day 9 - 31 Day Blog Challenge
Images courtesy of Morguefile.com



  1. Beautiful post, Jeanne. You bring your stories to life with power words, liked "collided." And how right you are that we doubt what we can't see in our human mind, even when we have had revealed something to us that is, or will be. Great job, my friend.

  2. Thank you, Pat. You are my Barnabas-friend...did you know that?


  3. Yes, I'm so quick to point out those who didn't believe, didn't follow Him, even in the midst of all His miracles. And yet, I do the same thing today.

    Great reminder, Jeanne. Thank you!

  4. A reminder to me too, Vonda. I am thankful He is so patient with me :)

  5. I just don't know how anyone can face this life without faith and hope in our Savior, Jesus Christ!

  6. I hear you, Loretta. But so many do. It is like they don't know they are hungry or thirsty until someone offers them a drink of Living Water
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts today and stopping by the Stream

  7. Thank you for your beautifully written and encouraging post. Thank you for boldly proclaiming the truth! God Bless!

  8. Thank you for being so encouraging, and uplifting while boldly proclaiming the truth!

  9. "Even when we see with our own eyes, we can be skeptical. Our emotions can shut down anything that doesn’t match what we tell ourselves is true. The negative overrules the positive every time." SO true! This post inspires me to search myself for things I have seen but have not yet believed.

  10. Thank you for taking the time to stop by The Stream, Bonnie--and for your comments.
    Boldness is something I strive for but often don't feel very brave. I am being stretched in that area I think

  11. Hi Anna, and thanks for stopping by to comment :)
    Praying your eyes will see all that He has for you!

  12. You stated...Even when we see with our own eyes, we can be skeptical...This is so true! Faith is such a powerful thing but along with that must come trust...I believe it must be practiced daily and even if our faith is strong we must "exercise" it daily.
    As a side note, I too am part of the 31 day challenge.

  13. So true, Sandy. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. There is a saying about, stepping out on faith and finding a rock underneath. So cool!!


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