Wednesday, July 31, 2013

31 Day Blog Challenge - Finish Line

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It's finally here!

The final day of the 31 Day Blog Challenge!
I MADE IT to the finish—I didn’t think I could do it. How’s that for faith?

Will you allow me to coast today?

And, later I will plan to take a wordless rest!

I promise I will be back to my weekly posts—unless you enjoy seeing them a little more often.
While we're celebrating the victory-
Will you tell me something?

Of the daily posts during the July challenge, did one touch your heart in a special way?

Were you encouraged, challenged, convicted, blessed….

…Enough to share what you read with someone else?

I would love to know how you were impacted during this 31 Day Blog journey. You can post a comment or email me privately at

Hard to believe July is gone, 



  1. Hi Jeanne,

    I have saved them all and hope to find time to read them again! I have been away for more than 50 days since the end of May and am far behind in my e-mail, etc. Two more weeks and I will be able to stay home more than I will be away!
    Love Judith

  2. Thanks for stopping in, Judith. Sounds like your days have been hectic. I'm so glad there is light at the end of the tunnel for you.


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