Sunday, June 05, 2011

Drink Deeply: Bread, Fish, Pennies and Perfume

For the last week I have been taking atomic medications for bronchitis. I have been so dehydrated from all of the decongestant and antihistamines; all I want to do is drink water. I am not sure if that’s why this phrase popped up in my writing this week. But, it fits. Scripture is pretty clear about Jesus being the Living Water and his visit with the woman at the well confirms that when we are thirsty, we need to come to Him. He is the wellspring that never runs dry; the source of everything we need.

I watched as a hummingbird darted amongst my flowers this morning. I wanted to capture it drinking from my flowers with my camera, but he was too quick; zip-sip, zip-sip and he was gone. Yet I noticed he couldn’t stay away. He returned often to those same flowers to drink deeply of the sweet nectar.

So often in my quiet time with God, I read His word and meditate on its meaning for my life. I return to passages that have spoken truth in a situation and drink deeply again on His faithfulness to provide. This brought me to three scriptures I would like to share with you. Each of them is rich with something for us to drink deeply from. And, they were brought to my mind as I realized that I am so guilty of being miserly with my resources (time, talents, etc.) so I drank deeply of the connectedness of these messages myself this week.

Matthew 14:13-21 – Feeding of the 5,000

Mark 14:3-9 – The woman with the alabaster vial of perfume

Luke 21:1-4 – The widow’s offering

In each of these stories something is given; a boy’s lunch; a vial of expensive perfume and two copper coins. Each of the givers gave everything they had to Jesus. As I stopped to drink deeply of His wellspring, this is what I heard the Lord say about bread, fish, pennies and perfume:

I have given you so much and equipped you with the Holy Spirit’s power! Don’t be afraid that if you give it back to me, that the well will run dry. Your offerings of time, talents and giftedness, even though they seem small and insignificant to you, I will multiply them to feed a multitude of those who are hungry and thirsty for Me. And, when you pour out yourself as an offering to Me, though you are broken, you will spread the fragrance of Me to others who need to know that I am the Truth and the Source for everything they need.

Though I am tempted to hoard my resources so that I won’t run dry, He is asking me to give everything I have to Him and allow Him to be the one to multiply them to satisfy a hungry and thirsty crowd. I will be sipping on this one for awhile….

Drink deeply from the Eternal Spring,


  1. I love how you said this: And, when you pour out yourself as an offering to Me, though you are broken, you will spread the fragrance of Me to others who need to know that I am the Truth and the Source for everything they need.

    Thanks, Jeanne, for your faithfulness to Jesus.

  2. Thank you, Jeanne. I appreciate the parallel application you made to drinking deeply. I hope you are recovering from your bronchitis. Thank you for the invitation to drink deeply of God's word and ways.

  3. Thanks, Jeanne for your thoughtful, from-your-heart blog post. You wrote:
    "And, when you pour out yourself as an offering to Me, though you are broken, you will spread the fragrance of Me to others who need to know that I am the Truth and the Source for everything they need."
    Those words speak to my heart this morning, Jeanne. Gentle but firm words that resonate, especially after having been asked yesterday if I'd teach a lesson for my Sunday school (huge) class. Just the thought of speaking makes me quake, but I said I'd pray about it. Now I think I need to kneel and take a very deep drink from our Eternal Spring--and this time--say yes, Lord.
    Feel well soon, dear Jeanne! Praying for you.

  4. It's all Him, but so many times we think it's all us...and we know how weak and poor we are. Thank you for the reminder that if we drink deeply of Him, He's the one who wll revive, renew, and replenish.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Thank you, Pat...He asks us to be living sacrifices. Not easy to do, but He gives us the ability to do it with His help

    Sue, my bronchitis is improving slowly. I have never been on so many meds in my life!

    Sally, praying for you as you step out of your comfort zone and find Him faithful to supply what you need. Thanks for your encouraging words! They fill my heart today.

    Andy, thanks for stopping by the stream and giving me your feedback!

    Vonda, so true. He is the One to fill our empty souls!

    Blessings to you all this week,



  7. So good. Thank you for sharing! Wondering... since you like sharing what God is showing you, would you be willing to link up for Brag on God Friday? I would love more women to get to hear from you. :)

  8. Laura,

    I would love to talk to you more about this. I will try to contact you but you can also leave me some contact info here if you like

    Thanks for stopping in,



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