Saturday, September 25, 2010

Hurdling Over Anxiety

Can I trust that God only wants what is best for me? If something bad happens, can I see beyond the circumstances to focus on the good? Do trials make me a stronger person? Is my character more important to God than my comfort? There are so many questions. Good questions.

I thought I had done a good job of settling this fear/anxiety debate a number of years ago. My husband, John used to travel quite a bit and I was home alone with three toddlers. My fear had risen to new heights as I lay awake every night planning escape routes in case of fire or a break-in. As soon as darkness fell, the doors got locked and I didn't venture outside till the next day. Till the Lord whispered deep within, “Who is your protector, Me or John?” Profound!! It started me thinking so I delved into the Word to see what God says about fear and His protection. Soon I was sleeping at night again.

The funny thing about God's lessons is that as soon as we learn it, He stretches us further. I began to enjoy being home during the trips my husband made. Easy dinners. Time to myself in the evening after the kids settled into bed. Then, boom—the traveling stopped. I guess I passed.

The thing is, there is always a new hurdle of anxiety to scale. And, our gracious God is a patient teacher. The funny thing about being anxious is that most often we never experience what we are afraid of. It is such a joy robber and a time waster.

What circumstances are you anxious about? How are they robbing you of living to the fullest?

I look forward to hearing from you,



  1. I well relate to your anxieties as a "single parent" at night. For the years that Jon worked grave shift, I dreaded each time the sun went down. My biggest fear was one of the kids getting sick in the middle of the night. As you mentioned, this never happened, even once. I had to remind myself that the Lord would never take me down a path without first giving me the strength to tread the terrain. Oddly enough, tonight one of my babies is sick with a fever. How thankful I am to have Jon home with me to help cuddle and care for our sick one! I am thankful that the Lord is giving me the ability to trust in His sovereignty.

  2. Parenting is such a stretching thing, isn't it? It is so good to know that God carries the burden with us. I marvel at His trust in us to send these little "packages" with no 'assembly' instructions.

    Thanks for sharing your insight, Julie.


  3. I had real issues with fearfulness over financial and other issues, but I have had so many of them since then and seen God's hand in my life that it is not easier to trust that He will see me through.

  4. JoJo, I remember when the verse that says, Perfect love casts out fear, hit me over the head. I still haven't grasped the depth of that truth. He is so patient with me.


  5. Thank you, Jeanne, for this post. I am dealing with anxiety about the future these days and I needed that reminder that God will be with me every step of the way. He only gives us as much as we can handle. And yet, I still worry and panic. I am praying for deeper faith and more trust in my heavenly Father!

  6. Jenny,

    Thanks for your post. I think everyone has trouble with fear and worry in some way. It is a human trait. I am thankful that He is there to bring us through. And, also that we have one another to share the need for prayer. It all feels a little lighter when we have friends to share it with.

    Lifting you and Clark to the Lord today,



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